
USN sous-marin classe Gato, détaillage du kiosque 1/72

(Code: PE 7240)
23,95 €
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USN sous-marin classe Gato, détaillage du kiosque 1/72
WEM 1/72 Gato Class Conning Tower Details (PE 7240). For the Revell kit. Contains parts for the stripped down periscope shears of later boats, as featured in the kit. This set will also require one length of WEM Z 08 3.5mm brass tube.

Contains: Railing Stanchions, Conning Tower Frame Outer Plate, Conning Tower Frame Inner Plate, Upper Shears Frame Rear Brace, Modified Bridge Decking, Lower Periscope Spacer Fillets, Lower Rear Periscope Spacer, Upper Framework Skin Strips, Upper Framework Top Skin Strip, Upper Forward Periscope Spacer, Upper Rear Periscope Spacer, SJ Radar Mast Upper & Lower Braces, SJ Radar Mast Top Mounting, Lower Forward Periscope Spacer, Upper Framework Forward Side Fillets, SJ Radar Mast Center Brace, Alternate Upper Framework Rear Brace, Upper Framework Rear Side Fillets, Upper Framework Top Former, Upper Framework Lower Former, Upper Framework Centre Former, Lower Framework Fore & Aft Beams, Lower Framework Center Beam, Lower Main Frames. NOTE: 215mm OF 3.5mm THIN WALL BRASS TUBE (INTERNAL SIZE) AND TWO SMALL LENGTHS OF 0.040” PLASTIC STRIP WILL ALSO BE REQUIRED. The brass tube can be purchased as White Ensign Models part number WEM Z 08.